Business Finland is the public organization for innovation funding and trade, travel and investment promotion in Finland. It is directed by the Finnish Ministry of Employment and the Economy. The agency promotes the competitiveness of Finnish industry and the service sector by assisting in the creation of world-class technology and technological know-how.
As a Business Finland hub office for CEE, our role is to attract attention of Slovak companies and stakeholders to Finnish solutions and technologies. Our aim is always to look for win-win cooperation opportunities, where the Finnish offering could add a significant value in terms of meeting the local needs. Finland has a strong competence in new space economy, with significant footprint in space research, development of space technology and space technology applications. Finnish space ecosystem builds nanosatellites, refines satellite data for commercial use, performs world-class research and accelerates space business. Finnish offering in Situational Awareness Solutions collects together companies representing carrier platforms, sensors, connectivity, data-analysis and user interfaces.
Ms. Anna Łomża Senior Advisor, Business Finland CEE Hub